Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Best Friend's Wedding III

Bye Bye Senai

Daisy and I took what should be our very last flight out of Senai airport last weekend. Co-incidentally, it's undergoing renovations so the next time (if there's a next time) we’re there, it won't even be the same airport liao. This will be the last time we see the familiar surroundings of this particular boarding hall in Johor. Bye Senai, we won’t be missing you much.

3 Weddings

I promised myself I’ll try my best to attend the weddings of 3 of my very best friends in Kuching; Amy, ChongWee and Patsda. Not to say that I don’t consider other people good friends or whatevernothaveyou, it’s just the flight and the time involved. But I’m glad to say, I’ve accomplished this mission and attended all their weddings. In fact, since they married mutual friends, it’s even more efficient haha. Sadly, only Patsda managed to attend my own wedding as the other two were busy bringing newborns into the world. But it’s OK. Important thing is that I accomplished what I set out to do. Better yet, Daisy was with me each time.

Patsda Marries

So the trip back last week was especially to attend Patsda’s wedding. Strangely, the bunch of friends decided to drop by her place the night before the wedding, at 10-blardy-pm. Don’t the bride deserve to sleep and be ready for her big day? But being the wonderful friends that we (I was there with Daisy too mah)were, we left within half an hour after making sure she’s fine and all ready for the biggest day of her life. Talk about sincere friends (in Chinese we say got heart).

The reason why I used the phrase ‘got heart’ is because, after everyone went home to sleep at 10:30pm, they all arrived at her place again at 4:00am the next day to start the proceedings. Apparently, the make-up artist was scheduled to arrive at her place at 2:30-freakin-am as there wasn’t any other time-slot available. (The make-up artist was booked for 5 clients that day) If you ask me, she should have just engaged another make-up artist. After all, how different can it be? Honestly!

Oh well. Oh I mentioned that the bunch of friends were at her place at 4:00am. Wonderful people. Me? I slept till 7:00am and met everyone at the church service instead haha. Wonderful sleep.

The service was held at the Anglican St Thomas’ Cathedral. Simple ceremony but nicely done. After that, we adjourned to Banquet for the... err... lunch banquet? Ok so that was a bit lame.

Anyways, she flew off for her honeymoon that evening. Enjoy Da!


I was actually looking for a nice restaurant to have dinner with the rest of them but seems like all the restaurants in town were booked for weddings. In the end, I started walking into hotels to enquire about their in-house restaurants. I was actually thinking syabu-syabu would be good since we just had an 8 course Chinese sit-down lunch in the afternoon. Turned out there was a Coca restaurant nestled somewhere within Crown Plaza Hotel. People staying in Kuching would probably know it but I’ve been away for so long now. Plus, hotels are hardly the place I frequent for dinners when I’m back in town.

So how does Coca Kuching compare to Coca in Singapore? Surprisingly identical I would say. Yumz!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sports Is Sexy

I thought this was a story worth sharing.

We're all familliar with American Football and the NFL.

Giants of men running around in helmet, padding and spandex trying to score touch-downs.
Well, guess what? There's another league playing American Football out there.
It's called the Lingerie Football League.

I kid you not, but it features women playing the game in lingeire!

How the heck is it even possible? It's a full fledged league of 10 teams, mind you!

Why, even the referees are scantily clad..


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Recycled Rubber.. And More

Was hoping this to turn out to be another hoax..
But it's since been reported to be true by AFP.

A bag of 10 hairbands like these sells for only 5 Singapore cents.

But wait a minute.. snip a bit..

Pull it inside out..

You have urself some used condoms!

Careful what you tie your hair with... Really

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Last Flight Through Senai

When I was in JC, my dad worked for Malaysia Airlines and flight tickets were 90% off. It was cheaper for me to fly from Changi to Kuching then, than take a cab from Tuas to Pasir Ris today.
Heck, when the flights were full, I even got to jump-sit in the cockpits!
But dads retire and when I was in university, I started paying regular fare. Dammit the cost of tickets to Kuching are even more expensive than flights on budget airlines to Melbourne, Australia. Blardy sh*t closed skies monopoly!

I soon learned to pay SGD$50 to get to Senai, Johor and fly from there. Saves a lot. At the same time, we prayed for the skies to open up and for budget airlines to operate the lucrative Singapore-EastMalaysia route.

Now, our prayers are answered. Thank God. This Friday, Daisy and I will be flying Senai-Kuching for the last time. Our flights for Chinese New Year are already booked to fly through Changi! Yeah!


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Coke Nukes Sperm

Seems like coke causes sperm to explode. That's the research that won this year's Ig Nobel award. Apparently, some women have been using coke as contraceptive, so a researcher set about to determine the truth in the matter. Lo and behold, the greedy sperm actually soaks up the sugar in the coke and simply.. explode!

Mai siao siao..

Sunday, October 05, 2008

New Toy, New Joy

After almost breaking my arms beating/whipping/folding all the tiramisu the past two weeks, I decided it's time to invest in my very own... err... what do you call this thing? Mixer?

Anyways, my first project is...

Ok I'll let you guess first.

This is the almost done picture..

This is the can be eaten liao picture...

This is the blardy the hell that Andrew ate my cake! picture...

The answer is.. it's a Black Forrest Cheesecake!

Yumz :-)