Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Yummy Lobsters!

To celebrate Totenham beating Liverpool -Woohoo! (Yeah right)- over the weekend, we headed to Penggerang for a Sunday seafood lunch.

Reached Changi Point Ferry Terminal at about 11am and set off in a bumboat soon after.

After getting off at Tanjung Pengelih Jetty, it was a short taxi ride to Jade Garden Seafood Corner. No, it's nothing like the Crystal Jade restaurants in Singapore; more like a seafood eating place in JB actually.

If Jade Garden is famous for any one thing, it has to be this:

I mean these...


We had bamboo clams..

Baby squids..

Ostridge tendons..


and obviously, lobsters!

and more lobsters!

The first lobster dish is their signature 'shang tang' lobster. The second one is 'jin sha' lobster.
As though we did not have enough of lobsters for one day, we even bought lobster keropok. Cheap, not oily and as good as keropok comes.

All in all, a very enjoyable mini-excursion cum lunch. At an affordable price I must add. By the time we set foot again on Singaporean soil, it was time to rush off to officially welcome Poh Min's baby Wan Ru into the world!


Anonymous said...

wah lao.
ihatechew. how can u celebrate pool losing?!?

- J