Sunday, December 14, 2008

JB Road Trip

Had a relaxing yet tiring day catching up with some friends whom I've not seen much of lately. We somehow decided to drive up to Johor Bahru to makan. Since I've been to JB a couple of times, I played tour guide for this road trip.

We agreed to gather at Catholic Junior College at 10am before starting off the convoy of 3 cars to JB. Beautiful morning, but only 2 cars appeared on time. This is a nice picture of those who are punctual. I quite like this picture actually.

While waiting for those who are late, we ate breakfast and played frisbee at CJC's carpark. Now, guess who's late. Who else but Sam?!? Never fails to be late this boy. As punishment, we'll use Sam as a model for one of the activities we did. Massage!

Other than massage, we also shopped quite a fair bit. In fact, we covered TheStore, Carrefour as well as Tesco! Of course, the main purpose of the trip is to makan but I was enjoying the food so much, I forgot to take any pictures.

Before we set off for Singapore again, we managed to take a group photo. Another nice one too!


fu onn said...

road trip! nice le... adipos did u buy a car full of dvds back? :)

Justin Ho said...

haha yeah nice trip actually. Last road trip we took was to share a spinning teacup in Genting huh? haha! Those were the days!